Total Area(Sq.Km) Number of Agricultural Block Total Number of Peasant families Total Land(Hec.) Total Crop Land(Hec) Number of Irrigation Machine(2007-08) Deep Tubewell Shallow Tubewell Power Pump Amount of Irrigated land Percentage of Irrigated land Food Demand Total Food Production Total Food Demand Surplus(+)Deficit(-)M.T.
Main Crop (Paddy, sugarcane, tobacco, jute, wheat, maize, mustard, pulses etc.
Jalmahal(Waterbody) Balumahal(Sand Deposit) Sairat Mahal Number of Fishermen Number of Fishermen Associations Number of Pond Beel Baor Number of Rivers Number of Fish Hatchery Number of Nursery Total Number of BCIC Fertilizer Dealers
1621.25 Sq. km 179 2,35,104 1,62,125, 1,15,978
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS